Version 0.3.3 is Live with the Warlock!

Hi All,

I'm excited to share with you all the newest version of Forged in the Dungeon! 

The big takeaways are the following.

  • The Warlock Class has been added!
  • The placeholder for possibly one more class has been removed
  • Some class specific gear has been tweaked
  • Feat requirements for all meta magic feats have been removed
  • Dungeon Rivals have been removed
  • The Paladin's Smite feat has been changed.

For more detail on all the changes keep on reading.

I'm excited to finally share the Warlock Class! It has been in development for a long time and I decided to stop fiddling with it and put it out there for you all to try out. I believe the Warlock is possibly the hardest class to fully engage with, primarily due to the feat Everything Given. It requires a fair amount of fiction to be established between the player and the GM since a powerful being is being created to use for powers, one of them being used right away. Knowing what the powerful being's capabilities are helps the player have an idea of what they can call them for and also helps the GM internally establish possible costs. Overall I love the roleplay possibilities of the Warlock and I'm excited to hear you all's experience playing it.

With the release of the Warlock I have decided, with the guidance of my editors, to have that be the last class for the core rule book. There are plenty of class ideas I have but there are only so many pages in a book and more importantly I would like to actually publish this game sooner rather than later!

Also, with the addition of the Warlock, the class gear list has been updated with Warlock gear and slightly tweaked. You are welcome druid and wizard players!

Another tweak I did was removing feat requirements for meta magic feats, like Still Spell. If a caster really wants they can multiclass into another caster class to get a meta magic feat if they so desire.

One last thing I removed in this change was Dungeon Rivals. Through play they just never came up. I figured if a GM really wants to hit the players hard in a dungeon they can easily and don't need a whole other mechanic to give them permission to do so.

The last change I made was to the Paladin's Smite feat. I felt how it was originally written was too powerful and didn't really mimic smite in the way it works in other higher fantasy games. 

Let me know what you all think of the changes when you can!


Gen Con was a week ago and was a blast! I ran Forged in the Dungeon multiple times at Games on Demand with all new players. Everyone seemed to have had a great time and all luckily were successful in their adventures. For those reading that were at Gen Con, thanks for playing!

The next convention I am running Forged in the Dungeon at is PAX Unplugged under Games on Demand. This will be my first time at PAX Unplugged, if you have any tips let me know. I'll have more details on when, what, and where as we get closer to PAX Unplugged.

That's all for now, enjoy the new content!

Have Fun!


P.S. This is the last 0.3.X release. Next release will be 0.4.0 with some big updates!


FitDun_Sheet_V0.3.3 - Demo.pdf 2.4 MB
Aug 12, 2024
FitDun_Sheet_V0.3.3.pdf 2.4 MB
Aug 12, 2024
Forged in the Dungeon V0.3.3 - Demo.pdf 732 kB
Aug 12, 2024
Forged in the Dungeon V0.3.3.pdf 732 kB
Aug 12, 2024

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