Version 0.4 - The Fully Playable Release

Hi All,

I'm very excited to share with you all the next big update for Forged in the Dungeon! As of this release the game can be fully played. There are still changes planned for some of the rules and there will most likely be a couple minor systems added. But, you can now play a whole campaign if you so desire. There is still plenty of book still to write for GM guidelines, monsters, treasure, and more. But, that is for another time.

The change log for this release is huge and I suggest you check it out. Some of the highlights are the following.

  • Consolidated freeplay and downtime phases into just downtime phase
  • Renamed downtime activities to personal pursuits
  • Added Patron Factions and Handlers
  • Updated Entanglements significantly
  • Added Rituals, Crafting, and Magnitude
  • Changed every single class in some manner, major ones being Druid, Warlock, and Sorcerer 
  • Added eight new magical items to the Treasure Example document

For more details on some of the changes keep on reading and convention appearances.

For the longest time I have observed players in many Forged in the Dark games taking the approach of doing downtime activities and entanglement, maybe doing some free play, and then going straight to the next big thing. I feel free play doesn't get the fair shake that it should. So, I have consolidated downtime and free play into just downtime and changed "downtime activities" to "personal pursuits." 

With this change I hope to encourage players to think of the game flow of go on the adventure and then do everything else, where everything else could be personal pursuits and the free play things that should be happening like following up with NPC's, investigating situations learned during the adventure, or causing trouble for others.

Let me know what you all think after you play!

As I have mentioned before I have borrowed many systems from Beam Saber, one in particular is the faction system. I finally got around to adding patron faction and handler (direct superior) from Beam Saber. They are both great additions that reinforce the importance of factions and pushes everyone to think big picture from time to time. Thanks again, Austin!

Until now the entanglements have been lacking. However, now there are 36 different possible entanglements, broken up into six different categories, to play out. Some of them are very spicy. I love having the players roll on the table after each adventure to see what happens.

Rituals, crafting, and magnitude guidelines were systems in Blades in the Dark that have finally made it into Forged in the Dark. Now your players can create amazing and terrifying items and spells as well!

Throughout play testing at conventions, with strangers on the internet, and friends I have taken note of things that have needed to be tweaked or changed. Every single class has changed in some way this release. I suggest you go read your favorite class now. A few of the classes though had some major changes.

Druid's Shapeshift and Second nature have been... refined to make it so players can't shapeshift all the time into whatever is the best thing needed for an adventure for effectively free or little cost.

Warlock has had its XP trigger changed to not be so dark. In addition, Everything Given now changes the player's Drive clock. I felt this change helped bolster the connection between the fiction and mechanics.

Sorcerer has gotten additional spells to spice things up and also swapped a spell with the wizard to be more thematically appropriate for the both of them.

Recently I went back to my roots on how I used to prepare for and run D&D 3.5 games for running my Forged in the Dungeon campaign. One of the things I really enjoy doing during that process is creating magic items. Some of those items, and others, have been added to Treasure Example now resulting in 108 magic items to use in your games! 

Thank you to those that have bought Forged in the Dungeon, I hope you all enjoy the new magic items!


Pax Unplugged is this week and I'll be running Forged in the Dungeon there!

I'll be running 18 hours of Forged in the Dungeon for Games on Demand. The current times, subject to change, I'm running are Friday: 10-12, 12-2, Saturday: 1-3, 3-5, 6-8, 8-10, Sunday: 10-12, 1-3, 3-5. You can check out all the awesome games and more info about Games on Demand here.

In addition I'll be at the RPG Designer Meet and Greet Saturday 11 AM at PAX Unplugged. Come on by and say hi!

The next convention after PAX Unplugged I'll be at is most likely Origins.

That's all for now, enjoy the new content!

Have Fun!



Forged in the Dungeon V0.4 - Demo.pdf 999 kB
89 days ago
FitDun_Sheets_V0.4.pdf 556 kB
89 days ago
FitDun_Sheets_V0.4 - Demo.pdf 556 kB
89 days ago
Treasure Doc V1.1.pdf 133 kB
89 days ago
Forged in the Dungeon V0.4.pdf 999 kB
89 days ago

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