Guild System Draft is Live!

Hello All!

This update is a long time coming. I've been in the middle of a major edit of the whole game that has taken much longer than expected. (Life amirite?) I originally wanted to release the guild system in the major edit update but I didn't want to keep you all waiting. So, here it is in a draft form!

Since it is a draft there is very little editing and is more raw. However, I've been using these rules for about six months now and it seems to get across what is needed. With the Guild System Draft and the Forged in the Dungeon rules document one should be able to play the full Forged in the Dungeon experience!

For those curious the main guilds currently available are the following:

  • Acolytes serve a powerful deity
  • Adventurers go out into the world
  • Diplomats shape kingdoms through political maneuvering
  • Mages deal with powerful magics
  • Slayers are killers for hire
  • Thieves steal precious treasures

A heads up! I'll be running Forged in the Dungeon adventures at Gen Con and Gamehole Con this year. The Gen Con games are currently not live but I'll do a devlog letting you all know when they are. The Gamehole Con games will be live as soon as the Gamehole Con game list is live. I'll do a devlog letting you all know when they are live as well.

Have Fun!



FitDun_Guild_Sheet_V0.2.2_Form_Fillable - Demo.pdf 240 kB
May 29, 2023
FitDun_Guild_Sheet_V0.2.2_Form_Fillable.pdf 240 kB
May 29, 2023
Forged in the Dungeon - Guild System Draft V0.2.2 - Demo.pdf 266 kB
May 29, 2023
Forged in the Dungeon - Guild System Draft V0.2.2.pdf 266 kB
May 29, 2023

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